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Why You Should Look at the Trees Near You as a Valuable Resource?

Posted on April 14, 2023

Are you looking for a sustainable and unique source of lumber for your next woodworking project? Have you considered the trees that surround you as a valuable resource? As a business specialized in saw milling and serving the Kansas City Metro and Surrounding Areas, we at Wyco Wood Co. know that trees are often overlooked as a source of local, sustainable, and unique lumber. 

Trees are not just a source of shade or a natural backdrop to our lives, but they can also provide a range of benefits when used as a source of lumber. When you source your lumber locally, you can contribute to the sustainability of your community by supporting local businesses, reducing the environmental impact of transportation, and utilizing renewable resources. Additionally, local trees can provide a unique and special source of lumber that cannot be found elsewhere.

In this blog post, we want to explore the benefits of looking at the trees near you as a valuable resource and why sourcing your lumber locally can be a cost-effective, rewarding, and supportive choice for your woodworking projects. We'll also delve into the importance of supporting local businesses, preserving traditional craft and expertise, and establishing a personal connection with the people behind the product.

Local and Sustainable

One of the main reasons why you should consider the trees around you as a resource is that they are local and sustainable. Instead of relying on far-off suppliers for your lumber needs, you can support local businesses by utilizing the natural resources that surround you. This not only supports the local economy but also reduces the environmental impact associated with transportation.

By sourcing your lumber locally, you are also contributing to the sustainable use of resources. Trees are a renewable resource, and with responsible management practices, they can be used for generations to come. At Wyco Wood Co., we prioritize sustainability in our saw milling operations and strive to ensure that the natural resources we use are used responsibly and efficiently.

Sourcing your lumber locally also means that you have greater transparency and accountability in the supply chain. When you work with local saw milling businesses, you have the opportunity to learn about the origin of your lumber, the management practices used, and the environmental impact of the milling process. This information can help you make informed decisions about the materials you use in your projects and ensure that you are supporting sustainable and responsible practices.

Rewarding and Something Special

Another reason why you should look at the trees near you as a valuable resource is that they can be rewarding and something special. There is something truly special about using materials that come from your local environment. When you use lumber sourced from the trees in your area, you are creating something truly unique and special.

In addition to the satisfaction that comes from using local resources, there is also a sense of reward that comes from the process itself. From felling the trees to milling the lumber, the process of creating something from scratch is incredibly rewarding. At Wyco Wood Co., we take pride in our craft and enjoy the process of turning raw materials into beautiful finished products. 

Moreover, using locally sourced lumber also provides an opportunity to connect with the natural world and gain a deeper appreciation for the resources that sustain us. When you source your lumber locally, you can witness firsthand the process of transforming a living tree into a beautiful piece of lumber. You can learn about the different species of trees that grow in your area, their unique characteristics, and how they can be used in different woodworking projects.


The trees in your area are unique, and each one has its own story to tell. By using lumber sourced from local trees, you are bringing a piece of that story into your home or project. The natural variation in wood grain and color ensures that every piece of lumber is unique and adds character to your finished product.

In addition to the uniqueness of each piece of lumber, there is also the opportunity to source specialty woods that are only available in your area. For example, at Wyco Wood Co., we specialize in black walnut, a wood species that is abundant in the Kansas City Metro and Surrounding Areas. By utilizing local resources, you can create something truly one-of-a-kind.

Using local trees as a source of lumber also provides an opportunity to discover and showcase the unique qualities of your local environment. For instance, the trees in your area may have adapted to specific soil types, climate conditions, or other environmental factors that make them distinct from trees in other regions. By using lumber sourced from local trees, you can create a connection between your project and the place where you live, highlighting the natural beauty and character of your surroundings.


Sourcing your lumber locally can also be a cost-effective option. By eliminating the transportation costs associated with shipping lumber from far-off locations, you can save money on your materials. Additionally, local saw milling businesses like Wyco Wood Co. offer competitive pricing and a personal touch that you may not find with larger suppliers.

Furthermore, when you source your lumber locally, you have the opportunity to purchase lumber in smaller quantities. Unlike large suppliers that often require you to purchase lumber in bulk, local saw milling businesses like Wyco Wood Co. offer more flexibility when it comes to the quantity of lumber you need. This means that you can purchase only what you need, minimizing waste and reducing overall costs.

In addition to the cost savings associated with sourcing your lumber locally, you can also save money on processing fees. Many local saw milling businesses offer a range of processing services, including milling, sanding, and straight-line cutting, at competitive prices. By utilizing these services, you can save money on the cost of processing your lumber and ensure that your finished product is of the highest quality.

Supporting Local Businesses

When you source your lumber locally, you are also supporting local businesses like Wyco Wood Co. As a small, family-owned saw milling business, we rely on the support of our community to continue operating. By choosing to work with local businesses, you are contributing to the growth and success of your community.

Moreover, when you work with local businesses, you have the opportunity to establish a personal relationship with the people behind the product. At Wyco Wood Co., we take pride in providing personalized and attentive service to all of our customers. When you work with us, you can expect to receive individualized attention, expert advice, and high-quality lumber that meets your specific needs.

By supporting local businesses like Wyco Wood Co., you are also contributing to the preservation of traditional craft and expertise. Local saw milling businesses often have a deep understanding of the local environment and the unique characteristics of the trees that grow in the area. This knowledge has been passed down through generations and is a valuable resource that contributes to the overall quality of the product. By choosing to work with local saw milling businesses, you are not only supporting the growth of your community but also preserving a unique craft and expertise for future generations.


In conclusion, looking at the trees near you as a valuable resource has many benefits. It is local and sustainable, rewarding and unique, cost-effective, and supports local businesses. By utilizing the natural resources that surround you, you can create something truly special while contributing to the growth and success of your community.

At Wyco Wood Co., we are passionate about saw milling and are committed to providing high-quality lumber and milling services to our customers. If you are interested in utilizing the trees near you as a resource, we would love to hear from you. Contact us at (816) 244-5505 or email us at [email protected] to discuss your project or to learn more about our services. We offer a variety of saw milling services, including mobile saw milling, milling at our location, large log removal, lumber sales, sanding, and straight line cutting.

Thank you for considering the trees near you as a valuable resource. We look forward to working with you and helping you bring your woodworking projects to life with locally sourced, sustainable, and unique lumber.

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